Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Sape nak study LAW? Fikir sepuluh kali.

Hey Wait!

Before you read and judge any futher, note that this is just a subtle warning to those people considering law school for lack of anything better to do. :P

Nak study law.

Kenapa kena fikir 10 kali?


Hari pertama kelas je, kami dah dapat 22 cases untuk dicerna.

22 cases tu sebenarnya tak banyak, TAPI..

bila semua sekali mesti dikhatamkan dalam masa 24 jam sahaja!



Besok Prof Rajesh nak soal. Satu pun belum sentuh! Mati kau yuyu.

Jadi hari ni kena khatamkan 22 case tersebut........BY TODAY ok!

Courtesy of Pacik Google.

Wahai diri,

Tolong buang semua malas-malas ayam kat kampung tu.

Sekarang bukan mode bercuti-cuti Malaysia lagi!

Sekarang bukan mode pagi-pagi makan nasi berlauk ok.

It's all about law. 

Its your food  from now on.

Sedap ke tak sedap, telan je!


So kepada adik-adik yang bercita-cita nak ambik law kan,

fikir 10 kali.

Sebab CASES akan menjadi makanan ruji anda. 

Ini memang wajib, seriously. 

Ada setengah case tu boleh sampai beratus page. 

Paling koman pun, puluh-puluh.

Dan bahasanya, English-law paham-paham la kan.

Dan buku-buku tebal lagi mahal bakal menipiskan poket anda. 

Nuff, bagi la yuyu duit poket, nak beli buku ni :P

Dan kesibukan anda pula mungkin menyebabkan AWEK anda lari :P



yuyu tak suruh fikir 20 kali.

Sebab study LAW ni memang best. 

On one hand, it's a WOW course.

On the other hand, yes it's a tough course though.

But once you get the system down, it’s not that tough!

Kalau suka challenge kotak memori dan ketahanan diri, 

ye anda dicadangkan supaya study kos ini.

On the bright side,

Law adalah satu course yang marketable in the job market till now.

Sekian. Tq for reading this short entry.



  1. best apa study law :)

    * dulu ambil LL.B di UIAM

  2. waaaa ;p minat gak jadi lawyer :) tp tak layak. mesti yuyu ni pandai debat :) hehehe

  3. LAILI

    dear thanks for dropping by. :)

    Yes i have the same opinion as you did. That is y at the end of the post i emphasized that studying law is a great things to do in life - as far as my studylife is concerned. :)

    it was just a subtle warning to those people considering law school for lack of anything better to do. :P

  4. hoho..
    xpenah t'detik hati nak amik law..
    btw, all the best kepada bakal2 lawyer di sana..

  5. EZAN

    Pandai debat tu takde la sangat...tapi boleh ler. ehehe.


    thank you.
